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Month: February 2021

Steel Brain: Literally. The Necrons Edition.

Steel Brain: Literally. The Necrons Edition.

Minis by Jayne Whittaker Today we release the Necrons opus at long last! With a shining legion of new models and plenty of flashy new rules to sink our metal teeth into, this is a super exciting time for skirmish Necrons. If we could feel. Which we don’t remember if we can or not. Let’s look at two different warband builds through the cold metallic lens of having fun gaming!  #1 – The Proclaimers First I thought of a Royal…

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Angles of Death: Daemonkin of Malal

Angles of Death: Daemonkin of Malal

Since the ongoing pandemic is still rampant (at least here in Italy) and we can’t get some games in, I decided to start a small series of articles providing a small knowledge base for people who want to hop in Heralds of Ruin with a new faction. Today for you I have an oddball Opus, showing the staggering amount of variety we can get with some dedicated fans and writers. It’s still in a beta stage, but we can get…

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