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Author: Wolf

Power From Paint #1: Painting yellow the easy way.

Power From Paint #1: Painting yellow the easy way.

Welcome to the first Power From Paint!

We got Greg, the dominatrix of Hive Fleet Bombus, to show us how to achieve that buttery yellow skin that nobody really believes is easy, now matter how often he tells us it is. This technique works particularly well on skin, fabric and other natural surfaces, but is perfectly easy to apply to power armour, vehicles and the like.

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Markerlight #1: Marco Andrä

Markerlight #1: Marco Andrä

Heralds of Ruin, much like a warband of Bezerkers, is all about the community. Without the playing, photographing, arguing and enthusiasm this game would be nowhere. I wanted to give some of the members their chance in the spotlight (a risky prospect in wartime, I’ll grant you) and plenty of volunteers stepped up.

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